Antwerp Telephone and Electrical Works 1911 phone

obtained: 2009

Double click on a picture to enlarge it

I became the proud owner of a telephone of  "The Antwerp Telephone and Electrical Works".

The theoretical manufacturing date should be sometime between 1892 and 1919. By comparing this phone to similar phones, we presume it was manufactured just before World War I (unfortunatly, it does not show up in our pre WW I catalogue).

If I look onto the Identification plate (see above) a see a code 18-1-1911. This might be the manufacturing date!

View at the inside

(Double click to enlarge)

We encounter a circuit diagram, at the bottom 5-4-11, might also have to do with the manufacturing date, or the date of the last circuit change.

Defintily, this phone, the masterpiece of my collection, dates back from before World War I.

How did I obtain this phone?

It was on ebay Belgium in 2009, and sold by a French speaking guy from Vilvoorde. I was the only bidder.

Last changed on 02/02/11 by  Jan Verhelst